The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World is funded by the tobacco industry and employs their marketing tactics to deceive the general public, health experts and policymakers

As the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World increases its outreach to UICC members, it is important to emphasise that this organisation is funded by the tobacco industry and employs similar marketing tactics.

Pfizer is the founding partner of UICC's new Breast Cancer programme, which will provide new and much needed resources.

The burden of breast cancer is known by far too many. And, sadly, it’s on the rise in many parts of the world. As a physician and patient advocate, as well as a cancer patient herself, Dara Richardson-Heron has been on the front lines, trying to prevent it, control it and contain it.

Implementing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control will not only help countries combat tobacco use, it also will help them advance sustainable development

Dr Adriana Blanco Marquizo took office as the Head of the Convention Secretariat in March 2020 for a four-year term. Here she explains how she envisions the next WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco Control strategy to fight the tobacco epidemic globally.

UICC is planning a hybrid Congress in 2022, combining on-site events with virtual elements, to take place in Geneva, Switzerland

The next World Cancer Congress (WCC) will be held in Geneva, Switzerland in 2022. UICC’s new President, Professor Anil D’Cruz, made this announcement at UICC’s virtual General Assembly on Tuesday 6th October.

The ICCP ECHO Program is convening eight country teams in the implementation stage of their national cancer control plan (NCCP)

A new on-line learning programme sees global cancer control experts assist eight countries, in collaboration with their Ministries of Health, in implementing their national cancer control plans.

A number of UICC member organisations and leaders have been shortlisted for the CEO and World Cancer Day Spirit Awards. The winners to be named in November.

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