Cancer care at Acibadem Kozyatağı Hospital

NCDs are finally receiving the attention they require as the leading cause of death globally, particularly due to the link with COVID-19, but now governments must be held accountable to translate commitment into action and results.

Join supporters around the world on Facebook Live this 22nd September for the official launch 

September marks Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September marks Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, a moment to reflect on the particular challenges facing children who have cancer and their parents and recall the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer launched by WHO in 2018.

E-cigarettes contain nicotine that makes them addictive as well as chemicals whose long-term impact on health is still relatively unknown

E-cigarettes are often considered either as harmful products that must be strictly regulated or as a cessation tool for smokers. Yet this does not have to be an either/or proposition.

Africa has been certified polio-free, offering hope for the elimination of cervical cancer through HPV vaccination

Africa has been certified free of wild polio thanks to a decades-long vaccination campaign. It gives hope that WHO’s recent Global Strategy on eliminating cervical cancer will yield similar results.

World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF International) leads and unifies a global network of cancer charities dedicated to the prevention and control of cancer by means of healthy food and nutrition, physical activity and weight management. In particular, WCRF International plays a leading role in directing and supporting the research activities of the WCRF global network. Working with researchers, health professionals, policy makers and other health organisations throughout the world, we provide people with the information they need to make choices that can reduce their chances of developing cancer. WCRF's vision is that the their global network helps people make choices that reduce their chances of developing cancer. They were the first cancer charity to create awareness of the relationship between diet and cancer risk, to focus funding on research into diet and cancer prevention and to consolidate and interpret global research to create a practical message on cancer prevention.

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