NCD Alliance

The Non-communicable Disease (NCD) Alliance is a civil society network uniting 2,000 federation associations, civil society organisations, scientific and professional associations, academic and research institutions to improve NCD prevention and control worldwide.

People speaking at a NCD Alliance stand
NCD Alliance logo

The Non-communicable Disease (NCD) Alliance works to drive the NCD agenda forward, as a thought leader on policy and practice, a convener of civil society movement, a partner to governments and an advocate for people at risk of or living with NCDs.

UICC is a founding member of the NCD Alliance and we continue to see the integration of NCDs as a priority in global, regional and national health and development planning and implementation. UICC will continue to support the capacity and sustainability of national and regional civil society alliances and networks in low- and middle-income countries to effectively influence cancer and other NCD prevention and control efforts at the national level.

In 2015, the NCD Alliance facilitated the first Global NCD Alliance Forum in Sharjah. This Forum provided a platform for knowledge exchange, capacity building and priority setting, and resulted in the formation of new international alliances and the adoption of the Sharjah Declaration, a global expression of civil society’s commitment to engage in advocacy and accountability to advance the NCD response. The next Global Forum is scheduled to take place in Sharjah, UAE from 9-11 December 2017, co-hosted by the NCD Alliance and Friends of Cancer Patients.

Latest news and blog posts

Ensuring sustainable financing for cancer, NCDs, and mental health services

Man sitting at a desk weighing out medication
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NCD Alliance: a strategic union for health

Cary Adams, CEO of UICC, with Katie Dain, CEO of NCDA and Dr TedrTedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, holding up the MoU formalising relations between NCDA and WHO in 2020
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COVID-19 and cervical cancer - A pandemic’s impact and a global response

HPV immunisation in Vietnam © 2007 Amynah Janmohamed, Courtesy of Photoshare
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Multisectoral coordination to address NCDs through law: Good practices from the Western Pacific Region

Law and legal frameworks are crucial to enabling collaboration, ensuring coordination, and providing protection against conflicts of interest or misuses of power
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NCDs and COVID-19: using law to act on NCDs during the pandemic

People in business attire talking
Clare Slattery
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WHO report highlights severe disruptions to cancer services due to COVID-19

Disruptions to cancer services due to COVID-19
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ATOM Coalition meeting in Mongolia

UICC has created several new organisations and initiatives to address long-term public health challenges and unmet needs.

Creating new initiatives

ATOM Coalition: Medicines being dispensed to patient

The Access to Oncology Medicines (ATOM) Coalition ambition's is "to reduce suffering and deaths caused by cancer in low- and lower-middle income countries through improved access to and use of essential cancer medicines".

Canadian Partnership Against Cancer - building

City Cancer Challenge (C/Can) was launched by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) at the 2017 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos.

City Cancer Challenge (C/Can)

Audience listening to a conference

The International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP), formed in November 2012, is a group of organisations engaged in supporting country cancer control planning efforts. 

International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP)

people gathering at 2014 World Cancer Congress – Melbourne, Australia

The McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer is the only centre of its kind in the world advancing law to prevent cancer and to protect people affected by it.

McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer

Last update

Tuesday 07 May 2024

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