Effective data collection on cancer is essential for better outcomes. UICC with IARC and Friends of Cancer Patients organised a training course on TNM and Essential TNM staging to support the development of cancer registries in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

UICC member and Manager of Education and Prevention at Sociedad Anticancerosa de Venezuela (Venezuelan Anti-Cancer Society)

César Miranda, UICC member and Manager of Education and Prevention at Sociedad Anticancerosa de Venezuela, speaks about the current challenges facing a global pandemic in the context of political instability and a weak health system.

The cancer community is adapting and innovating in response to disruptions in cancer care due to COVID-19 (picture taken at the University Hospital Hassan II, Morocco)

The first UICC Virtual Dialogue in the series dedicated to the changing landscape in cancer care due to COVID-19 addressed service disruptions in screening and diagnosis caused by the pandemic and suggested innovative solutions and practices crucial to saving lives.

Cancer care continues to experience both challenges and opportunities for innovations, but great inequalities exist globally - Istanbul University Oncology Institute

Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) calls for more high-level partnerships to ensure that all countries can provide access to diagnosis and radiotherapy for cancer patients.

NCCK and UICC have worked together to produce a case study capturing the content, process, lessons learned and next steps on Korea’s NCCP to share best practices with the cancer community

The Republic of Korea is embarking on the 4th phase of the implementation of its national cancer control plan (NCCP), work that is being carried out by the National Cancer Center Korea and documented by UICC.

HTPs contain tobacco and therefore pose potential dangers to public health, while the nicotine ensures that consumers remain enslaved, guaranteeing future customers for tobacco companies among the youngest generations

Dr Silvano Gallus and Dr Alessandra Lugo pull back the veil on the potential harms of Heated Tobacco Products (HTP) and the tactics used by the tobacco industry to market them.

Rapidly ageing populations present key challenges for health systems and cancer control, and require urgent action to address them

UICC’s second Virtual Dialogue on Cancer and Ageing, supported by Sanofi, highlighted the important societal, economic and public health implications of rapidly ageing populations, the key challenges for cancer control and the actions required to address them.

The City Cancer Challenge (C/Can) Foundation is launching a new call for applications for cities to join in supporting better access to equitable, quality cancer care

The City Cancer Challenge Foundation has opened a new call for applications to join its global network, which supports cities around the world to improve access to equitable, quality cancer care. Interested cities need to register by 1st of December.

Virtual offer header with headphones and computer on desk

Register now to the upcoming Virtual Dialogues.

9th December: "Leadership through a crisis"

The Global Strategy to eliminate cervical cancer holds the promise that future generations of women will not have to die from cervical cancer

The Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer, adopted by UN Member States last August, will be officially launched by WHO at an event on 17th November with UICC participation.

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