Mark Middleton, CEO of ICON Group, left; Dr Cary Adams, CEO of UICC, right.

Dr Cary Adams, CEO of UICC and Mark Middleton, CEO of ICON Group speak about delivering integrated cancer care and keeping staff connected during COVID-19.

Young woman standing behind and embracing an older woman in a wheelchair, both wearing masks. Photo by Adán Jardón (c) UICC 2021

Improving cancer control and providing access to life-saving services for all populations are steps towards Universal Health Coverage and support the right to health for all.
By Dr Cary Adams, CEO of UICC.

Patient and caregiver holding hands, close-up.

Mexican photographer Adán Jardón depicts the struggles and joy, anxiety and hope of people with cancer, their families and caregivers at the National Cancer Institute in Mexico.

The old Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, lit up in orange for World Cancer Day thanks to ICON Group

In an interview with UICC, Icon’s Group Executive for Brand and Communication, Jenny Hansen, offers insight into how ICON leverages the UICC-led World Cancer Day campaign and provides tips for UICC members.

Caregiver explaining cervical cancer secondary prevention to a woman

The SUCCESS project builds upon a strong foundation of national commitment in the Philippines to facilitate the introduction of an accessible screening and early treatment model for cervical cancer.

Personal de la Liga Nacional Contra el Cáncer Guatemala sosteniendo carteles con números para deletrear los objetivos de la OMS para la eliminación del cáncer de cuello uterino en 2030: 90, 70, 90.

El proyecto SUCCESS y el trabajo de la sociedad civil en Guatemala, junto con las autoridades gubernamentales, están dando grandes pasos hacia la consecución de los objetivos establecidos en la Estrategia Mundial de la OMS para eliminar el cáncer de cuello uterino.

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