Doctor speaking to a woman and her child. (C) National Cancer Center - Korea (NCCK)

A series of articles in UICC’s International Journal of Cancer look at the many socio-economic factors that lead to inequity in cancer care and the impact on incidence and survival.

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Many upheld arms, grasping hands

UICC partner Amgen Oncology works to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in healthcare, in particular in clinical trials – a complex problem to solve as the causes of those inequities are multifactorial. 

World Cancer Day -branded image of the girl with outstretched hands giving the victory sign

Join UICC’s live broadcast on #worldcancerday, amplifying the voice of the cancer community, generating enthusiasm and raising awareness about the need to #CloseTheCareGap!

Young woman hugging an older woman, symbolising the different needs for different generations with respect to cancer

Populations are ageing worldwide and the incidence of cancer in older adults is increasing significantly. Cary Adams of UICC and Bill Sibold of Sanofi examine the need to prepare adequately for the reality of more older people living with cancer to avoid further overwhelming health systems.   

Doctor speaking to a patient in a clinic in Mexico

UICC’s report on the Social Determinants of Health and Cancer now includes actions by Members around the world to overcome the barriers that many people experience in accessing care.

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