Woman at a breast cancer awareness campaign in Pakistan holding up a signpost that says: "Fight breast cancer before it starts". Photo by UICC is offering grants to members for projects aimed at improving access to early detection. Photo by Salman Asif/UN Women Asia and the Pacific,  breast cancer awareness campaign in Pakistan in 2013.

Marking International Women’s Day on 8 March, UICC is opening a call for applications for grants focused on improving early detection of breast cancer.

Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images: A patient rests in the bomb shelter of the Oncology ward at Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital on February 28, 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine.

UICC will distribute the funds according to the needs of organisations most affected by the conflict in Ukraine as these evolve over the coming weeks.

Woman receiving a vaccine shot

Marking International HPV Awareness Day on 4 March, UICC Young Leader Chemtai Mungo calls attention to current efforts to prevent and treat diseases caused by HPV, in particular cervical cancer, including improving access to HPV vaccines and new technologies for early detection.

A woman rests her head on the shoulder of another woman, both wearing masks, in a breast cancer clinic in Mexico.

UICC highlights projects of the third and final round of grantees of the SPARC programme that has reached many thousands of metastatic breast cancer patients and health care workers in low-resource settings since 2015.

Group of surgeons in Mexico operating on a cancer patient

A series of four in-depth reports on the health system challenges in managing cancer in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia offer a comprehensive review and health system solutions to improve access to care.

Dr Paul Farmer, Chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Founding Director of Partners in Health, dedicated his life to improving health care for those suffering extreme poverty.

UICC has learned with great sadness of the passing of Dr Paul Farmer, who dedicated his life to improving health care for those suffering extreme poverty.

Woman wearing a mask speaking to another person holding a notepad.

The 2022 call for Technical Fellowships is now open for applications in English or French (Bourses pour l’Afrique Francophone), as well as the Virtual Fellowships.

Branded image of UICC's World Cancer Congress, featuring the iconic Jet d'Eau in Geneva, where UICC is headquartered and where WCC2022 will take place

Discover the preliminary programme for the 2022 World Cancer Congress and submit an abstract that will be available to all participants.

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