Women receiving a vaccine shot

Dr Lisa Huang, Project Director for the SUCCESS project at Expertise France, writes about how SUCCESS is deploying innovative and sustainable solutions in four target countries to reduce the unnecessary burden of cervical cancer.

Mother with her child with cancer at the Istanbul University Oncology Institute

To complement the educational offer in cancer staging, UICC and the free online platform ecancer have jointly produced new e-learning modules for staging paediatric cancers.

Photo d'une femme qui reçoit un vaccin

Le Dr Lisa Huang, Chef de projet SUCCESS à Expertise France, explique comment SUCCESS déploie des solutions innovantes dans quatre pays cibles pour réduire le fardeau inutile du cancer du col de l'utérus.

Special Focus Dialogue: Prehabilitation – Multimodal interventions to...

Date and time
07 December

Virtual event - online | recorded in
1202 Geneva

Union for International Cancer Control (UICC),
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On receiving a diagnosis, people with cancer face many challenges. For some, the cancer may already have affected both their physical and nutritional state, as well as their psychological well-being, before treatment is started.

Membres de lCoalition des Organisations de lutte contre le cancer en Côte d’Ivoire (COLCC) faisant une présentation sur le cancer du col de l'utérus.

Une Coalition de 14 ONG en Côte d’Ivoire combat la stigmatisation autour du cancer du col de l’utérus et sensibilise la population à la nécessité du vaccin et des dépistages.

Members of Coalition of Organisation Against Cancer in Côte d’Ivoire (COLCC) giving a presentation on cervical cancer

A coalition of 14 NGOs in Côte d'Ivoire is fighting the stigma surrounding cervical cancer and raising awareness about the need for vaccination and screening.

Older white woman and young black woman looking at each other smiling, showing strength, symbolising the new World Cancer Day campaign theme, "Close the care gap"

Today, UICC is proud to present World Cancer Day’s new campaign on building fairer, more equitable access to cancer care for all.

Le Professeur Nayi Zongo, Président de COBUCAN, et son équipe

Le Burkina Faso a fait d'importants progrès en termes d’engagement à atteindre les cibles de la Stratégie mondiale pour l’élimination du cancer du col de l'utérus, notamment dans le cadre du projet SUCCESS, financé par Unitaid et axé sur la prévention secondaire.

Staff photo of COBUCAN, the Burkinabe Coalition Against Cancer

Burkina Faso has taken huge strides in adhering to its commitment to eliminating cervical cancer, including as part of the Unitaid-funded SUCCESS project focusing on secondary prevention.

People waiting outside a clinic in a rural area of Ethiopia

Medicines Patent Pool suggests an approach to improving access to affordable cancer medicines that was successfully used for infectious diseases.

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