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Members around the world mark key World Awareness Days throughout the year and UICC would like to support them by promoting their activities on our social media platforms!

Women in pink

UICC announces new grants for addressing advanced breast cancer globally

USA by Whike

Jose Luis Esquer will cross the United States of America from the west coast to the east coast on a whike in order to collect money to fight against cancer.


The 2015 Social Forum - 18 to 20 February 2015 - Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) which is one of the most rapidly and widely embraced treaties in UN history is celebrating its 10th anniversary on Feb 27th, 2015. 

On the occasion of International Childhood Cancer Day, 15 February 2015

Apply Now! Sanofi-Espoir Paediatric Nursing Oncology Fellowships

Anne-Lise Ryel and MoH Mr. Bent Høye

Announcement made at joint press conference with Norwegian Cancer Society and Ministry of Health and Care Services

On Tuesday 3 February 2015, PAHO/WHO hosted a combined live seminar and remote webinar on screening and early detection of breast cancer in Latin America to commemorate World Cancer Day. The webinar recordings are available in Portuguese, Spanish, and English.

On occasion of World Cancer Day 2015 - Not Beyond Us

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