Deadline extension - You now have until 16th September to submit your session proposal for the 2016 World Cancer Congress in Paris.

Prof. Aranda is an internationally acclaimed cancer control expert and is President-Elect of the UICC Board of Directors.

Workshop on health, trade and investment in the East African Region took place in Kenya

This year's World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) theme is "Stop Illicit Trade of Tobacco Products".

Stella Aguinaga Bialous, RN, MSc, DrPh, FAAN, President of the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC)

"The fund will help alleviate the suffering of many children, especially those in low and middle-income countries which result in the deaths of eight children per 10 diagnosed with cancer, thus contributing to saving the lives of 30,000 children a year."

The Russian version of the Cancer Atlas, 2nd Edition was launched on Thursday 21 May in Moscow, Russia, at an event bringing together over 200 participants.

Australia was at the centre of the global fight against cancer from 3-6 December 2014, with over 2,700 delegates from 105 countries descending on Melbourne for the 2014 World Cancer Congress (WCC), hosted by Cancer Council Australia.

A global team has been tasked by the Lancet Oncology to produce a report on the state and future needs of cancer surgery across all income settings. This commission is seeking your input.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the World Health Organization’s specialized cancer agency, is pleased to welcome Morocco as a new Participating State.

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