The 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA) will be taking place from 20-28 May 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland, and will bring together delegations from across the world to discuss key health issues, including Universal Health Coverage (UHC) access to medicines and vaccines, antimicrobial resistance, human resources for health, amongst others.

At this year’s WHA, UICC has a full agenda including ‘Walk the Talk’ and a side event ‘Leaving no one behind? Tracking ‘Health for All’ from rhetoric to reality’, in collaboration with other NGOs, including the UK working group on NCDs which brings together 20 further UK-based organisations.

You can view the full agenda here.

The new website has launched

Look out for regular updates as the new website goes live

On the occasion of World Immunization Week, Professor Margaret Stanley, President of the International Papilloma Virus Society shares her view on HPV vaccine effectiveness and safety.

UICC Young Leaders Group

UICC aims to nurture aspiring young cancer control professionals to become successful leaders in cancer control and the wider global health community.

Cancer Divided
Eliminating Cervical Cancer - Call to action
Eliminating Cervical Cancer - Call to action
Eliminating Cervical Cancer - Call to action
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