This International Women’s Day on 8th March, WHO builds on the momentum generated by the cervical cancer elimination strategy with a new initiative on breast cancer, an action supported by UICC’s own investment in women cancers.

Tobacco companies have paid young people with large numbers of social media followers to post photos of themselves posing with or using popular tobacco and e-cigarette brands.

The tobacco industry is using old tactics in new form to place imagery of smoking products on social media and normalise use for a new generation. Specific regulation is needed to prevent this.

Through two initiatives by the EU and WHO/Europe, cancer is being tackled with renewed emphasis and resources even in the midst of the pandemic, emphasising innovation, prevention, palliative care and the desire to reduce inequities.

World Cancer Day saw the launch of two promising initiatives to fight cancer in Europe: WHO’s United Against Cancer campaign and the EU Cancer Beating Plan.

the global community has made measurable progress towards achieving several targets outlined in the World Cancer Declaration but many challenges remain particularly equal access to care

A Comment by leading cancer experts in The Lancet Oncology explains how to consolidate wins and make further progress in achieving the 2025 World Cancer Declaration targets.

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