Women Living with HIV and AIDS (COWHLA) and Women Coalition Against Cancer (WOCACA, featured here) share the same goal of a more holistic approach to providing women with Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Malawi

Two civil society organisations in Malawi identify common ground and join forces to empower women in their communities.

Man only partially showing his face cups his hands to light up a cigarette © Elsa Olofsson at CBD Oracle.

Quitting smoking is a huge step towards preventing a number of cancers. Mihaela Lovše of the Slovenian Coalition for Public Health, Environment and Tobacco Control offers insight into tobacco cessation programmes and strategies in Slovenia.

A new report by Dr Sonali Johnson at UICC, “The Social Determinants of Health and Cancer” provides an in-depth look at how health inequity can be addressed through advocacy and action.

A person’s socioeconomic circumstances can impact their risk of cancer, chances of survival and quality of life. Resulting inequities in health must be addressed so that everyone can attain the highest possible standard of health.

Advances in in vitro diagnostics not only promise better outcomes for people living with cancer, but also the cost of treatment is reduced, with substantial savings to health systems

In vitro diagnostics offer the opportunity to detect cancer early, for more effective and timely treatment. These quality-assured diagnostics must be available to all those who need them, including in LMICs, for a “fairer, healthier world”.

Fake medical advice can do more than provoke false hope, it can also be dangerous and compromise recovery

While relevant and good quality health information can be found on the internet, it is important to guard against fake, misleading and ill-informed medical advice that potentially poses significant risks.

Only USD 10.5bn are required to achieve 2030 cervical cancer elimination targets, services that, when sustained. would avert 62 million deaths by 2120. Photo by Matthew Henry / Burst.com

UICC and its members have begun working with WHO, government agencies and civil society partners to meet the challenge of implementing the Global Strategy to eliminate cervical cancer in their own countries.

Each Virtual Dialogue in the regional series will focus on a different topic relevant to the region, based on engagement of UICC members in the region, potential for solution-oriented discussions, and consultation with Board Members from the region.

This year, UICC is leveraging its Virtual Dialogues to respond to the needs of members facing specific challenges in their regions.

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