Woman nurse providing care to an older adult

Erin McLennan explains the importance of listening to their experiences and needs, and how education and advocacy are two areas where nurses can help improve cancer care for older adults.

Older adult with cancer exercising on a stationary bike guided by a health worker at INCan, Mexico. Photo by Adán Jardón, (c) UICC.

Through its partnership with Sanofi on Cancer and Ageing, UICC supported five member organisations in its Cancer Advocates programme working to improve access to cancer services and care for older adults.

Group photo of the participants of UICC's regional dialogue workshop on addressing the burden of women cancers in Francophone Africa.

Over 60 participants from 12 French-speaking African countries as well as regional and financial partners, took part recently in a UICC Regional Dialogue on women’s cancers in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. 

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