Close-up of a person's hand, receiving treatment intravenously.

Marking the end of World Antimicrobial (AMR) Awareness Week, Fatima Rafiqi and Marijn Verhoef of Access to Medicines Foundation offer insight into an AMR benchmarking tool that evaluates pharmaceutical companies to stimulate them in the areas where they have the biggest potential and responsibility to limit AMR.

Man wearing a mask undergoing cancer treatment

Marking the start of World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW), UICC reiterates recommendations from an essential supplement on AMR to reduce misuse and improve infection control and research and development.

Elderly woman on a swing looking up at an elderly man

Older people are vastly underrepresented in clinical trials that set the standards for the efficacy and safety of cancer treatments. What steps can be taken to close this care gap?

Couple hugging. Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash for Movember highlighting men's cancers.

Prostate cancer is nearly on par with lung cancer as the most common cancer in men, while oncologists are also concerned with the rise of HPV-related male cancers.

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