Patient Group Mentoring programme in the Asia Pacific region

Launched in 2018 as a pilot initiative to respond to a voiced need in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, the programme aims to ensure that patient groups have the knowledge, capacity and connections to make a difference in their own health systems and beyond.

Since the beginning, patient groups have benefitted from a number of UICC opportunities, with tailored assistance to maximise their participation and impact of these activities (personalised agenda, accompaniment during the events, coaching for writing applications). The facilitation of connections and exposure to patient groups through their participation in external events has also been provided. 

2018: Piloting the concept on the way to Kuala Lumpur (WCC 2018)

  • 1st cohort of seven patient group organisations, who completed a needs assessment, identifying key gaps in their capacities.
  • Tailored agendas and exposure at the 2018 World Cancer Congress in Kuala Lumpur.

2019: Building momentum in Asia-Pacific

  • 2nd cohort of eight additional patient groups (a total of 15).

  • Workshop prior to, as well as participation, to the Leadership in Action meeting (Singapore, 27 March 2019), including the public-private dialogue on ‘Patients as Partners’, and The Economist’ War on Cancer event (Singapore, 28 March 2019). 
  • Key connections at patient engagement events in the region (i.e. CoRE-Milken Institute Inaugural Roundtable, Singapore, October 2019).
  • Four Leadership Development Grants awarded.

2020: Consolidating the programme in APAC

  • A total of 20 patient groups - 20 by 2020 in APAC.
  • Master course on Patient Engagement (3-months e-learning opportunity).
  • Online discussions around specific topics. 
  • Continued virtual support and engagement with UICC.

Cohort of organisations part of the programme

Aparajita Society Against Cancer Bangladesh
Cancer Community Oncology Center Bangladesh
Yayasan Kanser Kanak Kanak (YASKA)  Brunei 
House086 China 
Shanghai Roots & Shoots  China 
Global Chinese Breast Cancer Organizations Alliance  Hong Kong 
Life Again Foundation  India
Indonesian Cancer Information and Support Center Association (CISC) Indonesia
Makassar Cancer Care Community (MCCC) Indonesia 
Korea Blood Disease & Cancer Association Korea 
Society for Cancer Advocacy and AwareNess Kuching (SCAN)  Malaysia
Cancer Survivors Malaysia Malaysia 
Pink Rose  Myanmar 
Kythe Foundation Philippines
Philippine Foundation for Breast Care (Kasuso)  Philippines 
Brain Tumour Society Singapore  Singapore 
Taiwan Association for Cancer Patients Taiwan
Wishing Well Foundation  Thailand 
Thai Cancer Society Thailand 
Alola Foundation  Timor Leste 
Breast Cancer Network Vietnam (BCNV) Vietnam 
Lung Connect India Foundation  India
V- Care India

“This programme is a wonderful step in the right direction to aggregate knowledge and resources in the region. And it is successful in generating significant energy among the community.”
Gautami Tadimalla, Life Again Foundation, India

“UICC does all it can to help every group not just the bigger members (SCAN is a very small organization in comparison to other members). In the short time we have been members, we definitely have reaped the benefits of the knowledge, the experience, the networking opportunities provided by UICC and fellow members.”
Chris Cheng, Society for Cancer Advocacy and AwareNess Kuching (SCAN), Malaysia


people chatting together

Launched in 2018, the Patient Group Mentoring programme is a tailored mentorship programme dedicated to building capacity of a representative cohort of patient groups at the regional level.

This regional programme is part of the broader Patient Group Mentoring Programme.

Last update

Tuesday 30 April 2024

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