UICC is deeply saddened by the passing of former president Nelson Mandela

Makes case that "the returns on investing in health are even greater than previously estimated"

The ICCP Portal aims to pool together all resources necessary to assist countries implement commitments from the Global NCD Framework in the cancer field. 

Untreated cancer pain shown as a ‘scandal of global proportions’

Calls for significant global action to address disparities in cancer control.

Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action Program

A new World Cancer Declaration was launched today at the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit in Cape Town, South Africa.

VUCCnet e-learning tool

"Assessment of the Need for Palliative Care for Children: Three Country Report: South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe"

Awardees of the 2013 Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer Study Grants congratulated

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