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Bente Mikkelsen speaking at the 2019 World Cancer Leaders' Summit in Kazakhstan

Over two intense days of interaction, the Summit encouraged timely debate on emerging global issues related to cancer control. Discover what was the programme and speakers who took part in the World Cancer Leaders' Summit 2023.

Asian woman on her laptop smiling and drinking coffee

Some 87 organisations from 54 countries have enrolled over 300 of their staff, volunteers and Board members to participate in a six-month training programme to strengthen their capacity on key leadership and management topics. 

Young thai girl reads a book in school uniform

UICC is proud to support the new Elimination Partnership in the Indo-Pacific for Cervical Cancer (EPICC). Through its Cancer Advocates programme, UICC will collaborate with civil society in the region to advance national advocacy efforts for the elimination of cervical cancer.

Three young girls hugging and smiling

UICC study reveals the role of cancer civil society in LMICs as well as the challenges they face in supporting cervical cancer elimination efforts, notably in expanding HPV vaccination. 

Researcher at his desk

As antimicrobial medicines become less effective, the risk for people living with cancer increases. There is a pressing need for new approaches to address AMR, from better infection prevention and control to research and development for new medicines and diagnostics.

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