Become a member

Participant speaking at the 2016WCLS

Why become a UICC member?

“UICC is truly global, working on many different aspects of cancer control. Feels fresh, innovative and forward thinking.”


— UICC member, USA
(Source: UICC Membership survey 2019)

Connect globally through our signature events: World Cancer Congress, World Cancer Leaders’ Summit and World Cancer Day

Forge international partnerships and connect your organisation to the broader non-communicable disease (NCD) community

Amplify your voice in the worldwide cancer movement and hold governments accountable for their commitments

UICC enjoys consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and has official relations with WHO, IARC, IAEA and UNODC

Have a bigger impact in your area of work by strengthening your skills and knowledge

In 2021, UICC's membership survey revealed that:

would recommend UICC membership to another organisation.

said their experience interacting with UICC is "good" or "very good".

of respondents are in contact with UICC.

of members are satisfied or very satisfied with their membership.

Join us today

When your organisation joins UICC, it becomes a part of something bigger – a worldwide movement with the goal of eliminating preventable cancer deaths and providing access to life-saving treatment and care to everyone, everywhere.

Apply for membership now

Get ready to fill out the application form with official documentation from your organisation, such as the last Annual Report, copy of Constitution or any other official report.


“It is a great honour for us to be one of the members of UICC, a great organisation that has many merits and achievements in the whole world.

Our membership contributed to obtaining a lot of information-rich content that was presented in virtual meetings, from ways of networking between different institutions, news, events, and methods of disseminating information through social media, the media, and the many written information of great diversity on the website."

– Patient's Friends Society-Jerusalem, UICC Member

(Source: UICC Membership survey 2021)

Key members resources

Become a UICC Member Leaflet
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
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Last update

Wednesday 27 July 2022

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