Cancer Advocates programme

UICC’s Cancer Advocates programme provides an opportunity for civil society organisations (CSOs) from low- and middle-income countries to gain the skills and knowledge to engage in national advocacy efforts for improved cancer control. The programme is available in English, French and Spanish.

Participants of the Cancer Advocacy Programme showing their coloured hands

The one-year programme, formerly known as Treatment for All, was launched in 2018 following the adoption of the 2017 World Health Assembly cancer resolution, "Cancer prevention and control in the context of an integrated approach" which reaffirmed cancer control as a global health priority. The Cancer Advocates programme ensures global commitments, strategies and initiatives can be leveraged to drive national action, and contribute towards national targets.

Supported by an Advisory Group of internationally renowned experts, UICC Cancer Advocates benefit from technical and skills-based training, access to a multidisciplinary pool of mentors, participation in convening events and peer-to-peer learning opportunities in English, French and Spanish.

Advocacy in action: cancer control stories from UICC members

The one-year programme will support UICC Cancer Advocates to:

Activate networks and build national coalitions to support a shared advocacy goal.

Advocate for improved cancer control, including the ability to frame advocacy efforts in the broader health system context.

Address health and social inequities through engagement of key decision makers, including national governments.

The programme seeks to support longer-term outcomes at the national level, including:

  • Adoption of relevant legislation for cancer control 

  • Adoption of relevant policies for cancer control  

  • Allocation of adequate budget for implementation of cancer policies. 

  • Effective implementation of cancer policies and inclusion of national civil society in relevant oversight mechanisms.

For UICC Members only

Join the programme 

Applications to the 2023-2024 Cancer Advocates programme will open on 15 June 2023. Applicant organisations and their representative must fulfil the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be a UICC member organisation 
  • Be a civil society organisation working in a low- or middle-income country 
  • Have good English language skills (although the programme will be run in English, French and Spanish, some resources may only be available in English) 
  • Commit to active participation in the programme for one year, including in webinars, mentorship calls and in-person meetings 
  • Commit to engaging in national advocacy efforts for improved cancer control 

Since this opportunity is for UICC members only, if your organisation is not yet a member, we encourage you to contact to discuss opportunities to join the community. 

A pre-requisite for application to the Cancer Advocates programme is completion of the Master course ‘Advocacy for improved cancer control’, delivered in English, Spanish and French, which provides foundational knowledge on building effective networks and coalitions, engaging key decision-makers, securing financial resources and reviewing and monitoring progress.

What?  When?   
Launch call for applications  15 June 2023 

Live session
Presentation of the Cancer Advocates programme with the participation of former Cancer Advocates  

21 June 2023 
Deadline for applications   12 July 2023 
Notifications sent to applicants   30 August 2023 
Cancer Advocates programme   October 2023 – October 2024



The call for applications for 2023-24 are now closed. However, please do not hesitate to contact for further information.

Las solicitudes para participar en el programa Cancer Advocates 2023-2024 se abrirán el 15 de junio de 2023. Las organizaciones solicitantes y sus representantes deben cumplir los siguientes criterios de admisibilidad: 

  • Ser una organización miembro de la UICC 
  • Ser una organización de la sociedad civil que trabaje en un país de ingresos bajos o medianos 
  • Tener un buen conocimiento del inglés (aunque el programa se desarrollará en inglés, francés y español, es posible que algunos recursos solo estén disponibles en inglés) 
  • Comprometerse a participar activamente en el programa durante un año, incluyendo seminarios web, llamadas de tutoría y reuniones en persona 
  • Comprometerse a participar en los esfuerzos nacionales para mejorar el control del cáncer 

Dado que esta oportunidad es sólo para miembros de la UICC, si su organización aún no es miembro, le animamos a que se ponga en contacto con para estudiar las posibilidades de unirse a la comunidad. 

Un requisito previo para participar en el programa de promotores de la lucha contra el cáncer es haber completado el curso de máster "Promoción y defensa para un mejor control del cáncer", impartido en inglés, español y francés, que proporciona conocimientos básicos sobre la creación de redes y coaliciones eficaces, la participación de los principales responsables de la toma de decisiones, la obtención de recursos financieros y la revisión y el seguimiento de los progresos. 

Que?   Cuando?  
Convocatoria de candidaturas  15 de junio de 2023 

Sesión en directo
Presentación del programa Cancer Advocates con la participación de representantes de las primeras cohortes 

21 de junio de 2023 
Fecha tope para la presentación de candidaturas  12 de julio de 2023 
Notificaciones enviadas a los candidatos  30 de agosto de 2023 
Programa Cancer Advocates  Octubre de 2023 – octubre de 2024 



La convocatoria de solicitudes para 2023-24 ya están cerradas. No obstante, no dude en ponerse en contacto con para obtener más información.

Les candidatures au programme Cancer Advocates 2023-2024 seront ouvertes le 15 juin 2023. Les organisations candidates et leurs représentants doivent répondre aux critères d'éligibilité suivants :

  • Être une organisation membre de l'UICC
  • Être une organisation de la société civile travaillant dans un pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire 
  • Avoir une bonne maîtrise de l'anglais (bien que le programme se fasse en anglais, en français et en espagnol, certaines ressources peuvent n'être disponibles qu'en anglais)
  • S'engager à participer activement au programme pendant un an, notamment aux webinaires, aux appels de mentorat et aux réunions en personne 
  • S'engager à participer aux efforts de plaidoyer nationaux pour améliorer la lutte contre le cancer

Ce programme étant réservé aux membres de l'UICC, si votre organisation n'est pas encore membre, nous vous encourageons à contacter pour explorer les possibilités de rejoindre la communauté. 

Pour participer au programme "Cancer Advocates", il est impératif d'avoir suivi le Master course « Plaidoyer pour une meilleure lutte contre le cancer », dispensé en anglais, en espagnol et en français, qui fournit des connaissances fondamentales sur la constitution de partenariats et de coalitions efficaces, permettant de mobiliser les responsables décisionnels, de sécuriser des financements et d'évaluer et de contrôler l'impact.

Quoi?   Quand ?
Ouverture des candidatures   15 juin 2023 

Session en direct
Lancement du programme Cancer Advocates avec la participation des représentants des premières cohortes 

21 juin 2023 
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures  12 juillet 2023 
Notifications envoyées aux candidats  30 août 2023   
Programme Cancer Advocates   Octobre 2023 – octobre 2024 



L'appel à candidatures pour 2023-24 sont désormais fermées. Cependant, n'hésitez pas à contacter pour tout complément d'information. 

First cohort – 2019

Click image to view larger

World map representing the geographic spread of the 2019 cancer advocates cohort

Second cohort – 2021

Click image to view larger

World map representing the geographic spread of the 2021 cancer advocates cohort

Related resources

Advocacy in action: cancer control stories from UICC members
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
Download (
2.56 MB
Participants of a workshop at the 2022 World Cancer Congress in Geneva, Switzerland (October 2022)

Fostering an influential cancer community with the skills, knowledge, networks and resources to achieve effective cancer prevention and control.  

Man looking at video on his computer

UICC has been supporting the continuing education of cancer control professionals through online learning since 2014.

A male nurse checks a screen during a surgery

UICC has a long history of building capacity for cancer organisations globally through grant making.

Two doctors consult a document in the hallways of an hospital in Mexico

Established in 1962, the Fellowships is one of UICC's oldest and most established portfolio of programmes.

Woman smiling

The UICC's organisational leadership workstream is designed to provide leaders in cancer organisations at all levels with spaces to acquire new skills, and opportunities to collaborate and take action together.

UICC's Virtual Dialogues provide members, and the cancer community, with regular opportunities to connect, exchange knowledge, access expert insights, and share solutions from the comfort of one's office or home.

people chatting together

Launched in 2018, the Patient Group Mentoring programme is a tailored mentorship programme dedicated to building capacity of a representative cohort of patient groups at the regional level.

Last update

Wednesday 28 February 2024

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