22 January 2014

World Cancer Day 2014 - Event Highlights

160 events planned and counting! Place YOURS on the Map of Events now!

World Cancer Day 2014 is coming up soon, only 12 days left! If you have some planned events, it's important that you share it with others through the World Cancer Day Map of Events. To do so, simply fill the form here.

We'd like to take this opportunity to highlight some of our Members' activities for this day, which are already on the Map of Events


In Toronto, World Cancer Day is being promoted by the Campaign to Control Cancer (C2CC) in partnership with the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, MaRS Discovery Center and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. WCD at MaRS is a full day of awareness and public engagement events along with an innovative digital engagement campaign.

On Feb. 4th, 2014, – World Cancer Day –  An event will take place where attendees will be able to hear storytellers, cancer experts, a leading social marketer, university student leaders, a filmmaker and other inspiring community leaders share ideas about taking control of cancer.

Find out more about the event and register here


On February 4th, INCA will be lauching a series of actions related to the date, including printed materials, press information, information on our website, and through social media across the whole country. We are also planning to promote a debate with journalists and former cancer patients, for which we expect a media coverage and interest

FEMAMA have joined forces with ULACCAM in order to unite the different cancer organisations in Brazil and Latin America that deal with women's cancers. They will be launching a special World Cancer Day sub-site containing all of the material, as well as actively promoting the day through social media. They will be actively encouraging their associate organisations to take part in the social media conversation. Additionally, they have planned an event to take place in São Paulo.

Find out more on their website

EUROPE - France

The 5th edition of the Meeting of the French National Cancer Institute will take place on 4th February 2014, in Paris at the "Maison de la Mutualité". The meeting will feature a presentation of the new cancer control plan by Mr François Hollande, President of the French Republic. The programme will also include discussions regarding the strategic stakes and challenges of the fight against cancer, 2014-2018. 

Find out more on the website of "French National Cancer Institute (INCA)" (in French)

AFRICA - South Africa

In South Africa, Women in Action (WiA) will mark World Cancer Day with an event on Saturday 1st February. The event: “Debunk the myths, the disease no one likes talking about” will try to reach out to members of Diepkloof at their Community Hall in Soweto and will promote public awareness and action on risk factors. It will focus on prevention and will provide information to clarify many misconceptions surrounding the disease. Kids and teenagers will be at the heart of the event. Zoleka Mandela, who was also a key speaker during  the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit, will tell her story to help and inspire others with the disease. Further awareness campaign on the 4th will be held at all Universal Church of the Kingdom of God institutions in RSA as well.

For more information on the event, visit their website here

ARAB REGION - Saudi Arabia

The Sheikh Mohammed Hussien Al-Amoudi Center of Excellence in Breast Cancer has planned numerous activities to mark World Cancer Day 2014:

  • Event at their Center for all hospital staff at King Abdulaziz University Hospital
  • Video about "Debunk the cancer myths" (to be released end of January)
  • Social media activity using the following Twitter handles @drsamia and @wardymag 
  • and many more

Check out their full list of activities here

ASIA - China

The launching ceremony of 2014 World Cancer Day was successfully held in Tianjin on Jan 10th , 2014, which was organised by Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (CACA), sponsored by Tianjin Anti-Cancer Association, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital and Tumor branch of Tianjin Medical Association.

CACA brought together 200 cancer survivors, healthcare workers, publics and journalists at Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital to launch the 2014 World Cancer Day. During the event, public education and free medical consultations were provided to the public.

Find more information, including photos and videos of the event here

SOUTH EAST ASIA - Tasmania, Australia

Cancer Council Tasmania will be marking World Cancer Day by holding a morning tea and information session on the 4th February at the Cancer Support Centre in Launceston.

There will be a guest speaker who will talk about his journey with cancer, in addtion a few other speakers will talk about some of the myths. There will be 4 stations with information on the 4 myths highlighted this year, where those coming along can find information and speak about the myths.

Find out more here

We only had time to share these few member activities, but there are many more exciting events happening around the globe that you can find on the Map of Events.

Please share what you will be doing on the day and inspire others to do so as well. Head on over to, to download resources, share your activities and more.

Last update

Friday 07 June 2019

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