26 October 2020

WHO officially launches the global strategy to eliminate cervical cancer

The Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer, adopted by UN Member States last August, will be officially launched by WHO at an event on 17th November with UICC participation.

In May 2018 at the 71st World Health Assembly (WHA), the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus issued a call to action to eliminate cervical cancer through widespread HPV vaccination, cervical screenings and early diagnosis within a few generations.

WHO will now officially launch the Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer on 17th November, 2.30-4pm CET (Geneva, Switzerland), at a virtual public event co-hosted by WHO leadership and the government of Australia, which championed the resolution and is on target to eliminate the disease by 2035. 

The event aims to inform the public about the goals and targets set by the strategy, including the objective for countries to achieve 90% HPV vaccination coverage, 70% screening coverage and 90% treatment for cervical pre-cancer and cancer by 2030.

Women who have survived cervical cancer from all regions of the world and advocates who have fought the disease will open the event, joined by high-level speakers. The City of Geneva city is adding its voice by illuminating its landmark, the Jet d’Eau, in teal, the blue-green colour for cervical cancer.

Encouraging national action

WHO is inviting organisations around the world to join the launch and mark this historic commitment to eliminate a cancer for the first time with parallel local activities, in order to contribute to the building movement driving national action. 

UICC communicated on this milestone for public health and women’s equality when the resolution was passed in August, and will be announcing its own commitments in support of WHO at the launch event.
UICC has provided members with a tool kit in several languages to assist them in reaching out to policymakers and media outlets, and is inviting members to share their plans, with UICC or directly with WHO at and

There are many challenges, but I am encouraged by the support that Member States have shown (…) and the excitement expressed by the opportunity to eliminate a disease that currently kills millions of women worldwide every year.
– Dr Princess Nothemba Simelela, Assistant Director-General for Strategic Programmatic Priorities: Cervical Cancer Elimination in an exclusive interview with UICC.


Last update

Wednesday 28 October 2020

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