07 September 2016

SPARC grant awardees - Meet Joan from Spain

Since 2007, Joan Prades, 34 years old, has been a researcher in cancer care organisations and policies. He works in close collaboration with FECMA within projects related to breast cancer patients’ quality of care and healthcare professionals-patients communications. He is involved in two current actions launched by the European Commission.

In the aim of empowering organisations worldwide to address the specific needs of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients in their own countries, UICC has launched, in partnership with Pfizer, the Seeding Progress and Resources for the Cancer Community (SPARC) Grants.

Through a series of portraits, UICC would like to introduce the SPARC grantees and highlight some aspects of their individual experiences. Today, we introduce you to Joan from FECMA, in Spain.

Why were you not able to carry out your project before being part of the SPARC program?

Unlike other more common forms of breast cancer, the metastatic disease entails important challenges related to the recruitment of patients for focus group interviews and the legitimacy of actions. The international support from UICC is a significant step forward in both directions.    

You will be launching a video this October to raise awareness on metastatic breast cancer. Can you share with us some of the inspiration for this video? (Ex: What is the storyline? Are you interviewing people?)

We have great expectations in regards to the impact of this video. Cancer must be addressed seriously but naturally, too, as stated by most patients living with the metastatic condition. The views gathered in the video are exemplary in this sense.

What do you like the most about your work?

As a researcher, my job includes concepts like “integrated care”, “pathways” or “networks” which are so important for patients and professionals as well. Having the time to talk and to listen to both is the best part of my work.

What does a typical work day look like?

My work consists in moving from medicine to care organisation and vice versa; namely, the grey and fuzzy of cancer organisation and policy. Taking care of policy messages and respecting feasible policies, as well as the consensus-based priorities, are of paramount importance while researching on healthcare and health systems.  

What are the next steps of your project?

We are finalising the analysis and the video edition, getting ready for launching the key materials of the campaign.


For more information about the SPARC initiative and related projects, please click here

Last update

Friday 07 June 2019

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