31 March 2015

Recent survey confirms UICC Fellowships’ high impact on capacity-building

All UICC fellows are asked to complete a survey approximately one year after the conclusion of their fellowship to assess the long term impact.

Some key findings of the latest survey conducted in December 2014 show exceptional trends related to publishing, international collaboration and career path. 

  • 60% of fellows have published with their hosts or are in the process of publishing with them
  • 80% are still collaborating with their hosts
  • More than 80% of fellows seek careers in their home countries upon return

UICC has more than a 50-year history of providing cross-border fellowship schemes, devoted exclusively to global cancer control with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. UICC has awarded more than 6,000 fellows who are professionals actively engaged in all aspects of cancer control and care.

The survey confirms a progressive trend from past evaluations and the success of our fellowships is reflected through our growing portfolio, having recently launched a new scheme in collaboration with the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (CACA). UICC acknowledges the outstanding contribution and commitment of our Donors, Fellowships’ Chairs as well as expert reviewers. 

For more information about the Education and Training activities, please click here.

Last update

Tuesday 28 February 2023

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