18 March 2021

Bringing together UICC regional communities in 2021

This year, UICC is leveraging its Virtual Dialogues to respond to the needs of members facing specific challenges in their regions.

Next month, UICC is initiating a regional series of Virtual Dialogues to offer context-specific insights and a platform of exchange for UICC members around the world within their particular region. These regional cancer communities will have opportunities to discuss topics that are of particular relevance to their situation and which they may have in common with other organisations in the region, aligned with UICC’s programmes and key thematic areas of work

While these regional Virtual Dialogues cater primarily to UICC members, they will be open to all cancer organisations interested in these regional gatherings to help build a sense of community amongst members and other civil society organisations in the region. This will further expand opportunities for participating organisations to explore collaboration, strengthen their networks, share experiences, exchange expertise and find solutions to common challenges. 

Each Dialogue will focus on a different topic relevant to the region, based on engagement of UICC members in the region, potential for solution-oriented discussions, and consultation with Board Members from the region. They will each last 90 minutes and combine talks and interactions, including a rapid-fire panel, the exchange of case studies on the key topic, a group discussion and a presentation of key UICC opportunities for engagement.

For UICC, the regional series will offer the occasion to inform its members and other civil society organisations about how UICC’s activities can support the cancer community in the region and globally, in particular by sharing regional perspectives at the global level. 

UICC's regional series of Virtual Dialogues will be held from April to June 2021 for six different regions (Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Latin America, North America) with the following dates:

  • Latin America: 15th April 2021
  • Eastern Mediterranean: 29th April 2021 
  • Africa: 18th May 2021
  • Asia-Pacific: 25th May 2021
  • North America: 1st June 2021
  • Europe: 29th June 2021

UICC member organisations and select civil society organisations from each region will receive an invitation to register closer to the time of the event, with details on the programme. 

For further details on each of the regional dialogues, please visit the dedicated UICC website page.


Last update

Friday 19 March 2021

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