Asociación Salvadoreña para la Prevención del Cáncer

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79a Avenida Norte #823 Colonia Escalón
San Salvador
El Salvador

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In 2007, Asociación Salvadoreña para la prevención del Cáncer (ASAPRECAN) was founded in the city of San Salvador, with a mission to fight against cancer by all means possible. The organization bases their activities around cancer education promotion, cancer prevention, early detection, patient and family support, tobacco control, and epidemiological investigation. Their family support program includes participation in Reach to Recovery International (RRI). ASAPRECAN's first year has been very productive: participating in the first "Premio a la excelencia latina" organized by the American Cancer Society and Pfizer and acting in consortium with the Aragonés Insitute of Health Sciences and other international organizations to present an etiological investigation project on cancer in Latin America before the seventh European Union Framework Program. Focusing primarily in Latin America and the Caribbean, where ASAPRECAN offers these activities, they hope to create a technological exchange while strengthening their organizational capacities as a member of UICC in May 2008.
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Last update

Wednesday 22 May 2024

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