Wednesday, 20 May 2020 - 02:00

UICC Member Dialogues - 09:00 CEST


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About Member Dialogues

The Member Dialogues are online spaces for UICC members to connect with peers, share individual experiences and perspectives and learn from each other via participatory approaches and techniques. Exclusive to UICC members, they intend to offer a unique space for open and informal discussion on given themes in a facilitated setting

In the current context whereby the COVID-19 pandemic is presenting us with new hurdles and uncertainties on how to access care, deliver support and other services, manage programmes, lead staff, and run our health systems, the cancer community is faced with a wide range of questions and dilemmas. At a time where we may feel helpless and isolated it is important to find space to reconnect with peers from around the globe who are confronted with similar challenges and rediscover a sense of community.

Framed around the three broad themes of cancer services and support, leadership and management and strengthening health systems, this session will allow participants to reflect on their individual and shared experiences, make sense of the complex challenges they face and actively explore the questions arising from the current context, beyond the search for temporary responses. 

Three Member Dialogues will be held over three weeks at different time-zones to facilitate engagement across all regions. While the format and themes for each of these dialogues will be similar, the conversations will change, as the different member audiences in attendance will bring in different perspectives.

Though members are encouraged to join the dialogue of the time-zone geographically relevant to them, it is possible to take part in more than one (however, should a dialogue become oversubscribed, preferential entry may be given to those who have not participated before).

Date and time

Wednesday 20 May, 09:00 CEST

See the time in your time zone here


Useful reading:

Access below links to resources that may inform the three thematic areas subject of this dialogue

Cancer services and support

Leadership and management

Strengthening health systems

Event Information

Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
Date and time

Last update

Thursday 13 July 2023

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