Monday, 11 September 2023 - Friday, 1 December 2023

Master Course: Comprehensive cancer centres – a cornerstone for improving cancer control systems

This course will address the integration of high-quality patient centered care, education and research into comprehensive cancer centres, providing political, clinical, research and educational focus to improve delivery of care and achieve better outcomes for cancer patients. 

Course description

The organisation of cancer care, education and research into Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs) provides political, clinical, research and educational focus to improving delivery of care and achieving better outcomes for cancer patients. Cancer is a significant and growing problem for health systems and there is a need for creating guidance and global solidarity to build cancer units with truly comprehensive programmes.   

Cancer is recognised as one of the most complicated and complex diseases that exposes all the strengths and weaknesses of health systems, requiring a full spectrum of solutions. Addressing this complexity requires robust structural and organisational investments.   

This Master course will address the organisation of Comprehensive Cancer Centres focusing on integration of high-quality patient-centred care with education and research. It will draw examples from comprehensive cancer centres on four continents. The course will be led by experts from the AC Camargo Cancer Center in São Paulo – Brazil, the King Hussein Cancer Centre in Amman – Jordan, the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto – Canada, and the Tata Memorial Centre in Mumbai – India. The material was originally recorded in September 2021. 


This course is accredited with the Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe (ACOE). Participants who complete the course will gain 8 credits for continuous medical education.


Learning outcomes

After completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the components of comprehensive cancer centres and discuss the importance of integration of education and research with patient care

  2. Describe the role of comprehensive cancer centres in improving cancer control and fostering innovation 

  3. Explain how comprehensive cancer centres can extend access to quality cancer care to the community 

  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of continuous quality improvements in cancer centres    

  5. Describe current challenges and opportunities for cancer centres in meeting their mandate


"The most valuable aspect of this course is to learn from the experience of well-known cancer centers, in order to improve cancer care delivery, cancer education and cancer research.

– Previous course participant (Haiti)

"I have learned a great deal on what a comprehensive cancer centre looks like. From incorporation of various faculties and medical teams in cancer diagnosis and treatments, to investing in education and research, as well as ensuring improved cancer management quality to benefit not only the patients but the hospitals and medical teams."

– Previous course participant (Kenya)


Course delivery

This course will run over 12 weeks between September and December 2023 and is divided in six modules. Modules are released every two weeks within the period to ensure sequential, synchronous learning. Each module combines pre-recorded educational material, short quizzes, assignments and an interactive live session in which participants will be able to connect with each other and the expert presenters.

Time commitment required: approx. 1.5 hour per week.

The course is delivered exclusively in English.

Target audience

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The course is designed for early career cancer professionals, cancer services planning professionals, cancer advocacy professionals, leaders of newly developed/developing cancer centres and other interested stakeholders.


This course is kindly supported by the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. 


Dr. Mary Gospodarowicz MD, FRCPC, FRCR(Hon)

Mary Gospodarowicz, University Professor at the University of Toronto and Interim Director of the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto is a radiation oncologist with longstanding interest in genitourinary cancers and lymphomas.


Dr. Asem H. Mansour, MD

Asem H. Mansour, MD, has served as CEO and Director General of Jordan’s King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC), the largest standalone comprehensive cancer center in the Middle East, since 2012. 


Dr C S Pramesh

Dr C S Pramesh is the Director of the Tata Memorial Hospital and the Professor and Head of Thoracic Surgery at the Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). 


Dr. Victor Piana de Andrade, M.D., PhD

Dr. Victor Piana de Andrade is the CEO of the A.C.Camargo Cancer Center, the largest Cancer Center in Latin America. His career was dedicated to breast pathology, hematopathology and cytopathology. 

Event Information

Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
Date and time

Last update

Wednesday 20 September 2023

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