Tuesday, 25 June 2024 - Wednesday, 26 June 2024

EACR Early-Career Researchers' Conference

This highly interactive meeting for early-career researchers focuses on career development, covering topics such as leadership skills, personal growth, translating research, and bridging the gap between academia and industry.

Speakers: Hans Clevers (Roche, Switzerland), Victoria Forster (Women’s College Hospital, Canada), Tim Hardingham (University of Manchester, UK), Gavin Lucas (The Papermill, Spain), Victoria Sanz Moreno (ICR, UK), Manuel Valiente (CNIO, Spain), Gisou van der Groot (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology/EPFL, Switzerland).

The target audience for this conference is: scientists in the early phase of their career who want to develop a career in cancer research. The programme is tailored for scientists in the process of starting their independent path, as well as for researchers engaging with the clinical and industrial applications of their work.

Keywords: cancer research, cancer research careers, oncology, oncology careers, career guidance, leadership skills, cancer research leadership, personal development, translating research, working in academia, working in industry, science sustainability, grant writing, science creativity, science diversity, personal brands, translational cancer research, basic cancer research, preclinical cancer research.


Event Information

The European Association for Cancer Research
Date and time

Last update

Monday 08 January 2024

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