15 June 2023

UICC's Fellowships programme opens call for applications

UICC is pleased to announce that it has opened a call for applications for its Fellowships programme as of 15 June. Applications can be submitted until 15 August 2023. Projects must specifically cover cancer prevention and early detection.

A new call for applications for UICC's Technical Fellowships opened on 15 June, enabling cancer professionals living in low- and middle-income countries to obtain new skills in cancer prevention and early detection.

UICC’s established Technical Fellowships programme serves as a platform for cancer professionals worldwide, providing opportunities for short-term visits to other institutions or facilities, and leading to an exchange of experience and expertise in specific areas of cancer control.

The call will close on 15 August. Applicants can apply in English, and candidates from Francophone Africa wishing to visit Francophone countries can apply in French

Learn more about UICC’s Technical Fellowships programme and apply here

Last update

Tuesday 20 June 2023

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